How Much Weight Should You Give The Advice You’re Getting?
There’s no shortage of advice out there. The question is what to do with it.
There’s no shortage of advice out there. The question is what to do with it.
Getting clarity on your role in any given situation is the key to entrepreneur’s stress management. Learn 3 ways to get clarity.
There’s an important ‘fess-up and fix-up lesson here.
When someone asks for help, there are alternatives to “Yes” or “No.”
Hint: It’s more than just talk.
Instead, start with the results you want to achieve.
Sometimes a big ego can prevent you from getting the right feedback at the time you really need it.
Continuing to try to get the other party to see things your way is not going to get the job done.
It’s the only way to create a reality-based business case.
With the right structure, it can help you get unstuck and spark your own creative thinking.