The New Collaboration
Bringing specialized knowledge and skills to the work is critical to success, but being constrained by it can get in the way.
Bringing specialized knowledge and skills to the work is critical to success, but being constrained by it can get in the way.
Whatever you learn from a coach, the value comes from what you do every day.
Don’t worry about the structure of your sales organization till you know first-hand what the work is.
“Growth hacking” associated with start-ups has the familiar ring of time-honored shared responsibility across corporate teams for growth of the company.
What goes into credibility and influence?
It would be great to say that what it takes to be a great CEO is the same as it always was. But there are several moving pieces to the job, and all of them are evolving rapidly.
You can borrow from big-companies the benefits of getting an outside perspective on your business.
Will pre-designed platforms for complex products and services blur some meaningful differentiators among providers and make it harder for customers to choose?
Can you see a continuing role for this person in the company’s future?
A readiness to tailor the organization to meet the evolving needs of the business is more promising than changing structures and titles or abolishing them altogether.