Here’s How To Get Real Value From Attending A Seminar

Written by Mike Shapiro | | July 14, 2015

We’ve all been there.  A few weeks (or months) ago we saw an ad or notice for a seminar that looked like it might be interesting and helpful to us in our work, so we signed up.  Now it’s coming up in a couple of days.  We’ve paid our money and cleared our calendar. We’re ready to go.  Or, are we?  Here are a few pointers to make sure you get the most from that seminar you’re going to:

Go with a goal in mind. Something made you want to sign up for this. What do you hope to come away with? What do you want to be able to do with the information when you get back to your workplace?

Take two sets of notes. Most people know they ought to write down the main points of what the speaker is saying. It’s equally important to take another set of notes — down the left margin is a good place — to record your own thoughts and plans. Chances are, something the speaker says will cause you to think about a challenge or problem you’re dealing with right now.  Don’t let that go! Write it down for review and action later.

Plan to ask a question or two. Most speakers want and expect you to ask questions. That’s how they know you’ve received their message and that you want to clarify and put it to use. Planning in advance to ask a question will help you listen more intently so you’ll be ready when the time comes.

Share the wealth. Every time you attend a seminar, think of yourself as a “delegate” representing your work group. While you’re in the meeting, imagine your co-workers are waiting to hear about what you learned and how it can be helpful to them, your company and your customers. Prepare your own mini-version of the seminar to present at your next team meeting when you get back.